Hammill Consulting
Career & Personal Development Coaching
About Us
Hammill Consulting provides Personal Development and Career Coaching services to individuals and businesses. We work together through a coaching process, utilising a range of approaches, identifying, and developing your individual strengths. 0ur aim is to help you understand your challenges and realise your goals to live your best life.
Coaching can be provided either in person, through Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Chime or your collaboration platform of choice.
Contact us
Hammill Consulting - Adrian Hammill
Telephone: 07706 934607
Email: Adrian@hammillconsulting.co.uk
“Adrian’s coaching sessions helped me to gain a more in depth understanding of where I wanted to go with my basic idea of a business. His careful and considered approach to the points we raised in each session helped me to focus on the key things.”
“You ask perceptive questions that drill down to the nub of the issue at hand – it’s like a lightbulb moment when you ask me something that makes me refocus.”
“I felt at ease throughout the session – you helped me focus in on some fears that I expressed and look at them from a different point of view.”