OBA Constitution


The Overton Business Association Constitution as adopted on 7th January 2016 and updated on 11th July 2017 and 8th March 2018

The name of the organisation is the Overton Business Association, and it is an unincorporated association, sometimes referred to as the OBA.

Aims and Objectives

The Association will:

• Give a united body and voice for the many businesses in and around the civil parish of Overton and its adjoining areas, being comprised of Ashe, Deane, Laverstoke & Freefolk, Steventon and South Litchfield.

• Actively promote the interests of local business to keep business in Overton

• Support and contribute to the positive development of Overton as a place to live, work and trade.

• Support other local Overton-based endeavours, events and charities as agreed by the members including making occasional charitable donations as funds permit.

• Encourage the growth of member businesses, promoting the prosperity of the area through the provision of a forum and meeting place for members to learn and share ideas, information and offering mutual support.

• Communicate and liaise with the Parish Council and other relevant bodies on matters of concern to the business community.

• Speak as one voice to the public, the media and public sector bodies and to act as a channel for information and opinions of local businesses.

• To achieve its aims and objectives it will foster a spirit of goodwill, friendship and unity among the businesses including other interested organisations, retired business people and the local community in and around Overton (as defined above).

  • Encourage sustainability and ethical practices amongst its members.


Currently the Association overall has no identified ‘powers’ although it is recognised this may change in the future depending on the development of the Association.


• Membership of the OBA shall be open to businesses and organisations in the civil parish of Overton and its adjoining areas, being comprised of Ashe, Deane, Laverstoke & Freefolk, Steventon and South Litchfield as well as to professionals and retired business people who wish to maintain relationships with local businesses.

• Where there is any doubt or an objection to any businesses membership it shall be resolved by a vote at a general meeting of the OBA.

• The Association will levy a membership charge payable by business. Businesses represented by several members will only be entitled to one vote per business at any General Meeting of the Association.

• Requests for membership will be discussed by the Committee at their next meeting after the application.

  • The Committee shall have the power to accept or reject applications.

• The Committee will also have the power to suspend members whose conduct has brought the OBA into disrepute.

• The Committee shall have the power to terminate memberships for non-payment of subscriptions by a notified date.

• The Secretary shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Membership Register.

• Membership subscriptions shall be payable annually on 1st April. New members joining after 1st April shall pay pro rata. Members registering more than one business with the Association shall pay full fees for the first business and half fees for all subsequent businesses.


• The organisation should not promote any political party or religious denomination.


• The Committee shall comprise a Chair, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Membership Secretary and up to two other OBA members. In the absence of an Honorary Treasurer the Treasurer's role of banking, invoicing and making payments approved by the Chair or committee meetings will be contracted out to an accountancy professional. In addition, there may be one co-opted member from the Overton Parish Council and any other local Association that the Committee invite to attend. Co-opted members shall have no voting rights. A quorum of at least 4 voting members should be present if a vote is required on any matters arising at meetings of the Committee.

• All members of the Committee shall serve for one year only, but shall be eligible to stand for re-election.

• The Committee shall have the power to form such sub- committees as it considers are required from time to time.

• The Secretary shall maintain minutes of all Committee meetings, Annual General Meetings and Members’ Meetings which shall be made available for inspection by any member at any reasonable time.

• Non Committee OBA members can attend committee meetings but shall have no voting rights and must first notify the Secretary or, in their absence, a member of the Committee of their intention to attend.

• The Committee will be responsible for ensuring that all expenditure by the association is appropriate and supports the aims and objectives.

Annual General Meetings

• The Association shall hold an Annual General Meeting at such time as the Committee may determine but in any event

o Not more than 15 months after the holding of the previous AGM.

• At least 21 days’ notice shall be given of any AGM Meetings.

• At the AGM:

o the Chair will present a report on activities in the preceding year,

o the Honorary Secretary shall report on Committee meetings and on membership changes since the previous AGM and the Honorary Treasurer shall present a report on the financial activities for the year and present accounts to the meeting for approval.

• The AGM shall approve the annual subscriptions due in the following year.

• The AGM shall vote for the Chair, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Committee members.

• Every fully paid up business shall have one vote at Annual General Meetings

• An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called by at least two thirds of the members of the Association or by the Chair and should be held within 21 days of the requisition, and may be held in person or virtually online.

• All decisions made at EGM’s shall be by a simple majority of those attending and voting. In cases of equality of votes, the Chair shall have a casting vote. All votes shall be by a show of hands unless the Chair decides, or at least 3 members request that a secret ballot should be taken.

• Minutes shall be kept for all AGMs, Extraordinary General Meetings, and Committee meetings and they must be made available to any member of the Association.

Financial Arrangements

• The Association shall hold a bank account in the name of Overton Business Association and all cheques or other payments shall be authorised by any two of the authorized signatories that are members of the Committee with the exception of online banking which can only be undertaken by a single individual. In this instance the Treasurer or the Chair or contracted accountant shall be authorised to undertake online banking transactions as appropriate.

• The Association will apply for and hold a bank debit card to allow for online payments for the website hosting and other purchases as agreed by the committee.

• The Association shall not borrow money.

• A full financial report will be presented at each AGM and a list of payments and receipts shall be presented to each full members meeting.

• A brief financial report will be presented at each Members’ meeting listing payments and receipts

• The Committee will consider whether or not the operations and activities of the Association merit auditing by a qualified accountant.

Amendments to the Constitution

This constitution may be amended by a 2/3rd majority of members present at an Extraordinary General Meeting provided that notice of such amendment reaches the Chairman at least 21 days before such EGM.


The Association may be dissolved only by a vote at an Extraordinary General Meeting. The sole business of this meeting will be to dissolve the Association. The motion to dissolve must be carried by at least 2/3rds of the members present at such a meeting. If it is agreed to dissolve the Association all remaining money and other assets, once outstand debts have been paid, will be donated to a local charitable organisation. The organisation to be agreed at the meeting which agrees the dissolution.

1 Updated to enable the Treasurer alone to undertake online banking transactions - discussed and agreed at the members’ meeting of 11.07.17

2 Updated to enable the Association to apply for a bank card to make online payments. Discussed and agreed at the OBA AGM 08.03.18